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POOLHEAT is a thermal analysis package for evaluating the temperature and energy flows in indoor and outdoor heated swimming pools. Operating characteristics can be determined for pools with the following heating systems

·         Unheated outdoor pool.

·         Gas heating.

·         Heat pump heating including dual-speed & variable speed heat pumps

·         Solar collector heating (unglazed and glazed flat plate and evacuated tube types)

·         Solar collector heating with gas or heat pump backup.

The thermal analysis of pool heating load is based on procedures defined in

·         Australian Standard AS3634 "Solar Heating Systems for Swimming Pools"

·         International Standards Organisation report TR12596 "Solar heating -
Swimming pool heating systems - Dimensions, design and installation

POOLHEAT output includes monthly summaries of water temperatures (minimum, average and maximum), and the following energy flows

·         Direct solar heating of out-door pools, with allowance for shading, local wind conditions and pool covers.

·         Modes of heat loss (evaporation, convection, radiation, make-up water heating and back flushing).

·         Heating system input.

·         Air heating load for indoor pools

·         Humidity conditions in the pool enclosure

Program available from
Thermal Design Pty Ltd
Email t_design@tpg.com.au 


For solar collector heating systems the user can enter the efficiency characteristics of a specific solar collector or use one of 31 collector and roof types defined in the program. 

Outdoor pools

·         Pool shading.

·         Exposure to wind.

·         Pool cover.

·         Over temperature control.

·         Computes heater capacity required for specified operating temperature or

·   Variation of operating temperature for specified heating system capacity and
          operating hours.

Indoor pools

·         Monthly pool heating requirements.

·         Pool cover.

·         Ventilation analysis of pool building.

·         Temperature and humidity levels in the pool building.

·         Space heating requirements.

Solar collector heating includes

Solar collector efficiency for
  - flat plate collectors   glazed & unglazed
  -  evacuated tube collectors
  - different roof types
  - collector efficiency data included for 32 collector/roof combinations
    or user defined collector efficiency.



Detailed hourly weather data is required.  Weather data files are available for a large number of locations see

·         Australia & New Zealand

·         China

·         Europe

·         Indonesia

·         Middle East

·         USA

Weather data files for other sites can be generated on request.


The analysis in POOLHEAT follows the procedures specified in Australian Standard AS-3634 and International Standards Organisation report TR12596.  As a large number of alternative design configurations may be used the applicability of a given design selected rests with the user.



In addition to the POOLHEAT result file (file type .RES) there is an output file (file type .CSV) for transferring the results into EXCEL for graphical display of the output.  Two EXCEL templates for analyzing and graphing the output produced by POOLHEAT are included in the POOLHEAT working directory.  These are separate from POOLHEAT and you need a copy of EXCEL to use them.

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